
[2020年6月4日訊] 支持種族平等,反對種族歧視,貝佳天然藥業向全美有色人種協進會(NAACP)旗下基金會(LDF)捐款


【2020年6月4日訊】美國貝佳天然藥業強烈譴責對喬治·弗洛伊德、布朗娜·泰勒和艾哈邁德·阿貝里的無情殺戮。馬丁·路德·金博士曾說過 “任何地方的不公正,都是對所有公正的威脅” 。在我們與全國人民一起哀悼和悲傷的同時,我們希望通過要求種族平等來創造有意義的變革。這就是為什麼本公司捐贈1000美元,來支持全國有色人種協進會(NAACP)旗下的法律辯護與教育基金會(LDF)正在進行的重要工作,該基金通過其法律工作為所有美國人伸張正義。


作為民權運動的法律機構,LDF在最高法院和全國其他法院擁有專業律師出庭辯護的傳統。 LDF的勝利為如今所有美國人享有的公民權利奠定了基礎。在最初的二十年裡,LDF採取了法律攻擊,針對公立學校正式強制實施的不同種族隔離政策。此次事件最終以“布朗訴托皮卡教育局案” 告終,這是最高法院1954年做出的具有里程碑意義的裁決,被稱為 “解放宣言頒布以來最重要的美國政府行為” 。最高法院一致通過的裁決,推翻了 “隔離但平等” 這一法律認可的歧視信條,以吉姆·克勞法而被眾所周知。 1967年, “Loving夫婦訴弗吉尼亞州” 一案裁定,弗吉尼亞州和其他15個州禁止不同種族之間通婚的州法律違憲,因為它們違反了《美國憲法》第十四修正案。


June 2nd, 2020

At Best in Nature, we unequivocally condemn the ruthless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. While we mourn and grieve with the rest of the country, we would like to create meaningful change by demanding for racial justice. That’s why we’ve donated $1000 to support the important work being done at The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), which through its legal work, has brought justice to all Americans.

The LDF was founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall and although LDF's primary purpose was to provide legal assistance to poor African Americans, its work over the years has brought greater justice to all Americans. LDF has been involved in more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than any organization except the U.S. Department of Justice. Although LDF works primarily through the courts, its strategies include advocacy, educational outreach, legislation monitoring, coalition building and policy research.

As the legal arm of the civil rights movement, LDF has a tradition of expert legal advocacy in the Supreme Court and other courts across the nation. LDF’s victories established the foundations for the civil rights that all Americans enjoy today. In its first two decades, LDF undertook a coordinated legal assault against officially enforced public school segregation. This campaign culminated in Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark Supreme Court decision in 1954 that has been described as “the most important American governmental act of any kind since the Emancipation Proclamation.” The Court’s unanimous decision overturned the “separate but equal” doctrine of legally sanctioned discrimination, widely known as Jim Crow. In 1967, Loving v. Virginia ruled that state laws banning interracial marriage in Virginia and 15 other states were unconstitutional because they violated the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

At Best In Nature, we support peaceful protests for police reform and racial justice. We believe that Black Lives Matter and are proud to support the NACCP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). While our $1000 donation may be small, we hope we can inspire others in our community to donate as well.


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